Sunday, August 14, 2011

Purple Paleo Slaw

Holy Smokes. This stuff is DELICIOUS!!! It is “Kids love Cabbage Slaw” from Sarah Fragosos’s Everyday Paleo cookbook.


  I have never tasted anything quite like it. My husband, who is not Paleo, saw me making it and promptly said: “I HATE cabbage. There is no way I would like that!” However, I proceded to coax him into trying one single bite.

There were several moments of complete silence as he was chewing and swallowing. I immediately thought, “He hates it, of course.” Basically we have completely opposite tastebuds. However, he then exclaimed: “THIS IS INCREDIBLE.” Boom. Amazing.

People, this recipe is a winner in my book. Also, it is so gorgeous. I always find foods taste better when they are aesthetically pleasing, as well.

Honestly, the cookbook is worth it purely on the laurels of this recipe! It is also very easily adapted to your own tastes. Sarah’s recipe calls for cucumber and I HATE cucumbers. I keep trying to love them, but I jus cannot. Instead, I added summer squash. It was a DELICIOUS substitute.

This slaw makes an excellent side dish or a snack. It is very filling and a nice way to boost your veggie count.

In completely unrelated news, I was able to see my husband for 36 hours and it was wonderful.

 I am a deplorable phone-talker. I have a tendency to get distracted and not pay attention to the conversation—I get antsy. However, I always hate having to say good-bye again. Today has been a hard day, but I know it will get easier!

Did you have a good weekend? Any fun activities or new recipe ideas?

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